Sunday, November 28, 2010


Simple Heart Valentine's Day 5x7 folded card
Unique party invitations and announcements by Shutterfly.
View the entire collection of cards.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Hello people! I have a really great GIVE AWAY today! Check it OUT!

I'm telling you this issue is PACKED! Want it free? Leave me a comment here and linking me up to your favorite new fall layout. That's it. I want to see what you create. And I'll pick my favorite to receive this issue.
One luck winner will be chosen on Friday. HUGS!
God bless America!

Saturday, September 8, 2007

Good morning, or is it?

What a night. My dd has had a cold for about a day and 1/2, and at 3:30 am she woke with a horrible "barking" cough. You no doubt know what that means, yep, croup. CROUP. Poor thing. She was supposed to be having a big day with her daddy today, and she was in tears that it has been cancelled. My ds and I had a big day too planned. That is also cancelled. We're all bummed, because I HATE when my kiddies are sick. So, we'll be hanging out here trying to get some rest. A "down" day is what we call it. Hope you all have a great weekend. HUGS and God bless!!


Friday, September 7, 2007


Thanks everyone for coming to my blog! I see from the downloads that I've had over 200 visitors in just a few short hours :) HEHE! How fun. The drop shadow actions will be up until tomorow morning, so get them while you can ;) If you miss them, you can still go get them all during September, they are priced very nicely, buy 3 get one set free, at Just go to the shop, look for the monthly featured product, and you'll see them there.

God bless, and everyone have a great night, K?


Thursday, September 6, 2007

Howdy everyone! Well I have some awesome new stuff in my shop at Digital Scrapbook Artisan Guild!! I hope you'll all LOVE it, of course!

First, exciting NEW drop shadow actions for PS and PSE!! The first set of PhotoShop actions are in the store and you can get them by CLICKING HERE! The PSE actions are coming really check in a few days :) I am working to complete my second set, too. So watch for that ;)

Oh yea, the preview...almost forgot!!

Just to let you know what this set includes, drop shadow actions for:

Paper, Paper 2 (like thick cardstock), stickers, masking tape, chipboard, cardboard, wood, buttons, frayed fabric, small lace, medium lace, FELT (oh I love felt), flat ribbons, textured ribbon, folded and bunched ribbon, curled and knotted ribbons.

Whew, that was a mouth full :) My next set will have LOTS more of the essential stuff, too. I can't wait to get it done!!!!!!!

Oh, and all these individual sets will be released in my store separately in October. But for now, get in on the FREE set by getting this bundle NOW...

Also new in the shop is my new set of Pages in a Pinch layered templates. Oh yes, these are fun and a little "tilted." HEHE...they're called "Slightly Tilted" and rightly so. For just one week, you will also get a FREE template with purchase. So hurry on can pick these up by CLICKING HERE!

Here is a preview with the Free Template...

Here is a closer look at the Collection 19, without the Free template, you don't want to miss a freebie so hop on over to NOW!! HEHE!!

Honestly, the Guild is filled with so much awesome product by awesome designers, you need to just spend some time cruising around. I hope to see you there :) HUGS! And as always, may God bless you all!!

OOPS, forgot that I have a freebie for all you PhotoShop and PhotoShop Elements users...for visiting my blog I'd like to offer you, for one day only, SET One of my Drop Shadow Actions!!!

If you encounter any problems with them let me know that okay? My testers had none, but these are new and I'm interested if they are as wonderful as my CT says :) HEHE... ;)

I'd love to hear from you if you do snag and use them. Link me up to some layouts, I'll drop by and leave ya some love!!!

Sorry, free drop shadows are gone...thanks for visiting and check back for more surprises :)


Thursday, August 9, 2007

Hi everyone! I've been tagged by my sweet friend Saskia!! When you see the answer to my "favorite food" you'll understand why I'm now sharing my newest layout...


I completed that recipe card for the challenge at Digital Scrapbook Artisan Guild, and it made me hungy :) HEHE!! You can check out the credits HERE.

On to the questions...

A - Attached or Single: attached for 20 years of marital bliss :)
B - Best Friend: My husband
C - Chocolate
D - Drink of Choice: Coke
E - Essential Item: computer
F - Favorite Color: Purple(s)
G - Gummi Bears or Worms: Gummi Bears
H - Hometown: decline
Indulgence(s): Whatever the kids have on hand ;)
J - January or July: July!! I hate winter!
K - Kids: Yes, 2
L - Life is incomplete without: Jesus and family
M - Marriage Date: November of 1987
N - Number of Siblings: 2 sisters
Oranges or Apples: do I have to choose? I love both equally
P - Phobias/Fears: Fear of insects, mostly spiders (eeeek)
Q - Favorite Quote: To know me is to love me (is that a quote? LOL)
R- Reason to smile: Salvation through Jesus Christ, family, friends
S - Season: Summer
T- Tag Three: don't know who yet, but they'll soon find out.
U - Unknown Fact About Me: I was a cheerleader in high school
V - Vegetarian or Oppressor of Animals: Excuse me? All things were given to man to enjoy! Gimme some meat!
W - Worst Habit: Growling when frustrated (um yes, I do that :))
X - X-rays or Ultrasounds: Heck, if you KNEW ME you'd know I've had LOTS of BOTH! ROFL...
Y - Your Favorite Foods: Mexican (I make a killer salsa!!)
Z- Zodiac: Gemini (don't be afriad, the good side is most prevalent)

Thanks Saskia for a fun TAG!!!

Saturday, June 30, 2007

July PIAP Challenge Template is Up

Hello everyone :) Well I have the July template up for my Pages in a Pinch challenge over at the awesome Digital Scrapbook Artisan Guild. Come and and play won't you? This is a fun one, Independance day theme and all :) I hope everyone has a bit of fun with it. I'd be interested to see who can create the most unique layout. Well, head on over to MY CHALLENGE and pick it up. Don't forget to come back and link me up to your creation. That is the fun part, seeing what you make :) Here is a preview of the template...

Now other news. I'll be off for vacation for a bit so don't fret if I'm MIA at the Guild. Oh I'll be back, eventually :) Hehehe!!

There is an AMAZING new kit coming out at the Guild for I can't believe how awesome it is. Its the member's only kit, so sign up cause its so cool!!!!! I can't show it to you yet, darn it, but it will be out in just a few days. Holding.....breath...

I also have a new product coming out for July, soon to hit the shop. Working on last minute details now. Hmmmmm...I'll have to show you that in another post though...yesyesyes...I'm a bit of a tease tonight...

ROFL...enough fun. Until next time, may God bless you richly!